Title: Kneeling Dancer
Medium: Copper Nails, Wood
Size: 135 x 40 x 28
(Sculpture & Pedestal)
Year: 1998
Collection: Filemon & Nilda Exmundo
Toronto, Canada
Kneeling Dancer (Detail)
46 x 38 x 41 cm.
Title: Copperfish II
Medium: Copper Nails, Wood,
Size: 125 x 72 x 40
(Sculpture & Pedestal)
Year: 1998
Collection: The Ed Defensor Gallery
University of the Philippines
in the Visayas
Iloilo City Ph.
Copperfish II (Detail)
80 x 14 x 25 cm.
Title: Copperfish I
Medium: Coppernails on Wood
Size: 51 x 11 cm.
Year: 1997
Collection: Leilani
Metro Manila, Philippines