The Lin-ay was finally installed on August 18, 2011. It was a whole day affair which I dubbed as *The Agony and the Ecstasy*, since the installation was accomplished without the benefit of modern machinery, such as a crane that could easily hoist up the Lin-ay and perch it on top of its pedestal on the dome of the City Hall.
Rather, what the Engineers devised was an ingenious method, almost medieval in technology, where a sled and a system of pulleys were used. The Lin-ay was first attached to a sled which was slowly slid up to the dome by means of pulleys and a horde of workers. The system was so heroic as reflected in my account of this in my Facebook Timeline which I am quoting below:
The Agony & the Ecstasy: The Installation of the Lin-ay
The Lin-ay together with her pedestal measures almost eighteen feet. She weighs approximately 1.7 tons. That's approximately like the weight of a ten-wheeler truck or a hundred sacks of rice! One could therefore imagine the difficulty of putting her up on top of a dome on a seven storey building. What compounds this problem is the fact that the dome was originally designed and built not to hold anything else but itself. And then the biggest problem of all: the crane, the only machine that could single-handedly carry it up, could not reach the top of the dome!!! So how did we do it?
These dramatic pictures will tell you. I would like to share this with you, just as i would like to share with you, my friends, my gratefulness to the Engineers & men of FF Cruz & Co., Inc. who summoned all their abilities, talent and ingenuity to bring this Lin-ay up despite those difficulties. In this regard I would like to make special mention of Engineer Pablo Y. Antonio, Jr., Project Manager, Engineer Apolonio Calubayan & Co., Engineer Eduardo Gil, and Engineer Jocelyn Manlapaz.
I also would like to share with you my gratefulness to the valiant workers and carpenters of the City Hall for braving all odds, dangers, and threat to life in bringing the Lin-ay up to her pedestal to stand there forever as the symbol of the greatness and pride of Iloilo. Their applause after the Lin-ay was perched on her pedestal will forever be embedded in my heart and memory.

The Iloilo City Hall at the time of the installation...
The pedestal installed ahead of the Lin-ay....
The Lin-ay resting at the topmost floor waiting for her climb to the dome...
The scenes of the Iloilo River from the topmost floor of the City Hall just below the dome where the Lin-ay stands...
A closer view of the pedestal.......
The Lin-ay being attached to her sled...
...and then attached to pulleys...
...and then the Lin-ay is slowly, inch by inch, hoisted up to her pedestal...
...and then she finally was attached to her pedestal , and after technical procedures were conducted to make her permanent and immovable from her pedestal and consequently, the dome, she was then wrapped in red cloth and made ready for her unveiling which was to happen on the Charter Day Celebration of the City of Iloilo...