This gallery contains photos of the artist's journey through Europe as a backpacker in 1992. Surviving on sandwiches and sausages, and walking, and walking, and merely walking, he, and his nephew, Arthur Defensor, Jr.,  were able to see a great part of Europe and somehow trace the history of art, as well as observe current art trends in Europe.
Gallery 3
The Acropolis, 
Athens, Greece.
ed defensor
The European Journey
Paleokastritsa, Greece.
The marble streets of Corfu, Greece.
At the temple of the Vestal Virgins. The Roman Forum. Rome, Italy.
At the balustrade of St. Peter's Basilica, with Japanese tourist friend, Chigusa. St. Peter's Basilica. Rome, Italy.
At the Canopus of Emperor Hadrian's Villa. Tivoli, Italy.
Gallery 3