Title: SUDU Series II, No. 1
Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas
Size: 45 x 45 inch.
Year: 2007
Collection: The Dormitorio Family
Dumangas, Iloilo,
Title: SUDU Series II, No. 2
Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas
Size: 45 x 45 inch.
Year: 2007
Collection: The Dormitorio Family
Dumangas, Iloilo
I did the SUDU SERIES way back in the late 1980s. It was my initial incursion into the world of pure abstraction. I found this a good respite from my previous series which involved rigid and disciplined figurative delineations. It was a very successful series financially and it also earned me excellent reviews from my peers.
I am returning to this series because I discovered that at this period in my career as an artist I found it more satisfying to do pure abstractions rather than figurative delineations. Furthermore, I believe I have exhausted my creative ideas in doing figurative artworks.
The SUDU Series is nothing more but a journey into a fantasy world of color and texture. Nothing more. The word SUDU is coined from two Hiligaynon words, "Supat" meaning texture, and "Duag" meaning color.