This gallery contains photos of the group exhibition entitled, GIVING BACK ART, held in Seoul, South Korea, by a group of Filipino artists, namely, Dennis Montera, Pierre Patricio, Pg Zoluaga and yours truly.
      The exhibition was sponsored by the Global Fashion For Development (GF4D), an international humanitarian organization based and founded in South Korea.
       Despite it‘ s being a very short exhibition (April 10-15) it was a very successful one. Its opening was attended by close to a hundred guests coming from the upper levels of Seoul society. 
      This was the first time that the organization ventured into the visual arts. But one could easily see that they were experts in organizing activities.
      The title, GIVING BACK ART, refers to the philosophy of the organization in relation to its advocacy of raising funds for scholarship grants from 3rd world countries. Members of this organization advocate that "giving back art is the new luxury"
      Foremost that we should thank for this exhibit is Kim Eun Sook, the woman mainly responsible for bringing us to Korea. She traveled all the way from Korea to Iloilo City just to talk to me about this exhibition. And then she, her husband, Prof. Soon of the Catholic University of South Korea, and their son, Sam Lee facilitated eveyrhting for us upon our arrival. We should also thank Ki Ja Chung, founder and director of GF4D, who was so accommodating to all of us.
      All in all this exhibition was a great experience for all of us and we truly enjoyed our stay in South Korea.
Gallery 1
Gallery 1
The three exhibitors: L-R: Pierre Patricio, Dennis Montera, Ed Defensor
My World of Art
ed defensor
The  guests at the opening ....
The exhibitors and the officers of GF4D...
The preparation for the opening......
The arrival of the guests......
The arrival of the guests......
The opening ceremony.....
The opening ceremony.....
The opening ceremony.....
The Opening
The Space Art Gallery
Seoul, South Korea