ed defensor
My World of Art
      By December of 2009, the relief sculptures both on the rounded bottom layer and the square second layer were almost completely finished.  The bottom layer, after a coating of resin to make it stronger and less prone to cracking, was then finished with a golden sheen top-coat, an extra strong finishing material, resin based, basically used in automobiles. The second layer, although finished in the same manner was however given a dark bronze sheen.  This was to my mind to provide a contrast between the two layers although they were both focusing on the same themes.
      The only thing that remained was the paving and lansdscaping of the whole rotunda. But that was already the responsibility of the Kapideco. I only gave them a concept and design for the landscaping which was followed somewhat until today.

The sides depicting rice farming and fishpond farming...
By December 2009 the Monument looked like the above photos. Thus it was only the paving and landscaping that remained to be worked on...
The relief at the bottom layer shows the sugar cane farming enterprise while those at the upper layer depict the salt making enterprise engaged in by the Grand Patriarch...
The relief at the bottom layer shows the fishpond farming enterprise while those at the upper layer depict the rice farming enterprise engaged in by the Grand Patriarch...
The sides depicting salt-making and sugar cane farming...
close-up of the bottom layer depicting the four industries of the Grand Patriarch...